Why should you trust us with your name and email address?

  1. Because we won't make you sorry you trusted us!
  2. IdeaMerchant collects personal information only for stipulated uses - currently for delivering your product, mailing you our newsletter, to see which ideas are downloaded, and to get a feel for just where our ideas are going.
  3. No personal information other than your name and email address is stored on our secure internet servers.
  4. Personal information gathered on our web site is never shared, rented, donated, sold or otherwise made available to anyone other than our payment processors.
  5. Financial (credit card) information is gathered by a third party to facilitate the process of a purchase transaction and is never on our servers. It is processed through secure third party servers, and is subject to the privacy policy of the third party.
  6. Information gathered for newsletter subscriptions is used strictly to make your newsletter a more enjoyable and informative experience

If you think we need more information in this policy, please send us an Email with your suggestions. Thanks.

Copyright 2024 by Jim Green